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Electricity -How electric is produced⚡⚡

How does Electric is produced? How important Electricity is to our modern day lives is known to all. But how many of you know how exactly electricity is generated! Not many of you probably. The basic principle on which electricity is produced was discovered by Michael Faraday in 1839 and is called Faraday’s Law of Induction. As per this principle, “An electric current is produced whenever there is a change in the magnetic field around a conductor and vice versa. To produce electricity, change in the magnetic flux (filed) associated with a conductor. The mechanical energy of a system gets converted into electrical energy. Electricity Generation Power Plants- Electricity Generation Power Plants-   Power plants can be hydro powered or coal powered or nuclear powered. Irrespective of the plant, basic principle remains the same. Only difference in these plants is the mechanism by which the turbine (conductor- magnet system) is rotated.   .

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